Since 1992, Campbells has been the byword for quality and success in the commercial vehicle industry and we don't stand still , we are now at the forefront of the "Greenification" of the road transport industry
Are you a fleet, leasing company, a dealer or manufacturer ?
Campbells offer independent advise helping you make sense of the transition electric / hydrogen for trucks and vans and the potential effect on YOUR business! Questions like, Which is the right electric van/truck for me ? When should I consider buying an electric van / truck ? What will be my operating costs? What do I need to know before I buy an electric van?
Managing the transition to electric and hydrogen for the commercial vehicle industry
Our unrivaled passion and knowledge of commercial vehicles opens you up to a whole world of possibilities, particularly in the world of Autonomy, Connectivity, Electrification and Hydrogen Fuel Cell. Find out more...
Commercial Vehicle Expertise
Our team has over 50 years’ combined experience working exclusively within the commercial vehicle industry, which gives us greater understanding and insights.
CLIMOR Electric Fleet Conversion Program
Introducing CLIMOR – the essential guide to electrifying your fleet. CLIMOR (Cost, Location, Infrastructure, Market, Operation, Range) helps fleets get to grips with electrification, and highlights the potential benefits it can bring to their business while also acknowledging the huge
Electric Vehicle Consultancy
We strongly anticipate that due to increasing scrutiny on diesels, electric will power the majority of van and trucks operating in the urban environment by 2030.
Take the Electric Vehicle Quiz!
Are you ready for the future? The world of commercial vehicle transport is going to change over the coming and we thought it would be a good idea and a bit of fun if we had a short quiz. The
Our latest posts
Volvo Electric Trucks start in 2021

Volvo Electric Trucks Volvo Trucks have announced that they are running electric / battery tests on their full heavy duty range , basically everything except in the FL / FLE. This means all the Volvo FH, Volvo FM and Volvo
Mercedes-Benz Truck launch hydrogen fuel cell GenH2

Mercedes-Benz Truck launch hydrogen fuel cell GenH2 showing its version of the future of heavy truck development over the next decade and beyond. It will come as no surprise they have decided on primarily two “green” power systems, both use
Mercedes-Benz eActros going long haul!

Mercedes-Benz eActros is not just a rigid, it’s a tractor unit as well, helping to complete their regional and long haul future strategy along with GenH2. Mercedes-Benz eActros LongHaul makes the case for a fully electric tractor unit in certain
CARB sets out road to zero strategy for electric trucks.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has taken the next step in making the state zero carbon. in key road transport sectors. They unanimously approved regulations to phase in electric zero-emission trucks beginning in 2024 to 2045. Class 2b to
Newton e-Trailer use CATL batteries
Whilst all the well known global truck manufacturers have been concentrating on the front end of the artic combination, a relatively new start German company has been spending time at the back end ! Trailer Dynamics Trailer Dynamics are one
eNV200 pays for its own parking with V2G.

A story in the Western Australian Newspaper shows Nissan are demonstrating how ultimately automotive batteries will help stabilise the grid and also save money for their users. Smart meters Everyone in the industry has known the great potential battery powered
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Facts correct as of March 2020
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